10 Mistakes You May Be Making When Writing Your Resume



In today’s competitive job market, having a well-crafted resume is like having a golden ticket to an interview for your dream job.



It’s not just a piece of paper—it’s your personal marketing tool that showcases your skills, experiences, and personality to potential employers.


But you gotta do it right! You’re competing with dozens, or even hundreds, of other talented people for the same job opportunity.


So here are 10 things NOT to do when writing and updating your resume. Avoiding these mistakes will help you stand out and create a powerful resume that captures the attention of hiring managers. 


1. DON’T Neglect Customization


Picture this: You are deep in the job search and decide to send out your trusty generic resume to a bunch of companies. The more you send out, the better….right? Surely, at least one of them will like your resume! 



But guess what? Crickets....

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Do You Want to Make a Career Pivot or a Career Change?


You’ve studied hard, worked even harder, and burnt the midnight oil more often than you’d care to remember in order to reach your career goals.

You aced the interview, snagged that dream job, and worked your way up the ladder. You’ve got the house with the picket fence (or a snazzy apartment), a car or two in the garage, a couple of kids, and maybe even a pet or two too. Life’s looking rosy and going uphill.

So, why then does it feel like something is missing from your life? Why do you feel like you’re stuck and don’t know how to go forward? 

You thought it would be a passing phase but it’s been stuck there in the back of your mind- the constant feeling that doesn’t seem to go away. Often people experience the feeling of being stuck if they’ve been working towards goals that don't align with who they are or what they truly desire. 

You may be at a dead-end in your job or maybe you recognize that you could maximize...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals