5 Ways You Can Use AI In Your Favor



As you know, Artificial Intelligence (or AI) is all the buzz right now. It’s reshaping jobs, how companies hire, and what kinds of skills you should put on your resume. 


What We Still Don't Know About How A.I. Is Trained | The New Yorker


It may seem intimidating and overwhelming—especially with so many people talking about how AI will take away our jobs. 


But the truth is, there is a way to use AI in your favor—to make you an even stronger candidate and better at your job. 


How AI is Changing the Workplace


AI is the talk of the town these days and for good reason. It has the potential to revolutionize your work life in ways you couldn’t have imagined. 


A.I. Is Everywhere and Evolving - The New York Times


That’s why it’s crucial for you to adapt and stay ahead of the game. 


The benefits of AI technology. Picture this: Those repetitive and mundane tasks that make you want to pull your hair out? Well, AI could help remove those annoying parts of your to-do list...

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The Biggest Barrier to Your Success Might Be You



It’s time to get out of your own way and unlock your full potential. 


That’s right. 


The biggest barrier to your success…is YOU! 



It’s no secret that women face unique challenges in the workplace, but maybe you didn’t know that sometimes, you’re the one holding yourself back. 




Sorry, not sorry. 


Excuses, Excuses… 


Let’s be honest: You’re smart, ambitious, and determined. You’ve achieved most—if not all—of your major goals. When you focus on something, you’re unstoppable! 


So why haven’t you made the career change that you’ve been thinking about for so long? 


You’ve come up with all the excuses: lack of time, lack of knowledge and transferable skills, lack of experience, and fear that you won’t be able to make as much money as you do now. 



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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals