How to Build Relationships and Creating Opportunities as Part of Your Networking Strategies



Networking can feel like a daunting task, but it’s also your secret weapon for career transition or advancement! In-person networking can be an excellent opportunity to build meaningful relationships and create opportunities for personal and professional growth. 


What is networking? 


Networking is about building and maintaining relationships with people who can help you achieve your career goals. It’s a way to connect with like-minded people and share information that can lead to future opportunities.



Networking can happen both online and in person, but in-person networking allows for face-to-face interactions and the chance to make a lasting impression. 


Why is networking important? ‍


I can say networking is important until I’m blue in the face…but you probably already know that. And I get it: the thought of attending networking events and chatting up strangers might make you want to...

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