How to Know Which Career is Right For You: Your 2022 Tyche Career Research Guide


Remember when you were a kid and everyone asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up?

For the longest time, I wanted to be the President of the United States.

I also wanted to be Claire Huxtable, the fierce attorney, wife, and mom on The Cosby Show.

(I STILL want to be Clair Huxtable…. I am an attorney, wife, and twin mom so I think that counts as progress, right?)

What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing it?

If not, you’re in luck because you have another chance to decide what you want to be when you grow up!

Open your mind and let your imagination run wild because you’re about to go on a Career Discovery Journey.

Start with the research

Career research is something all of us do at least once in our lifetime. It is an exciting process that involves contemplating different career choices and imagining a future for ourselves.

 Whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate, or professional, career research is something you will...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals