How to Change Careers Like A Pro (Even If It’s Your First Time)



Pivoting careers and job-hopping are pretty common in this day and age.



In fact, the average employee moves onto a new job every four years.

You may be excited to start in a brand-new field. Or you might be terrified. Either way, there are things you can keep in mind to make the process easier (even if it’s your first time.)


Use Your Existing Skills to Your Advantage



The expected demands and requirements at your new job may feel intimidating.


Actually, it may feel like a nightmare.


Thinking about how you have to restart from the bottom and develop a whole new set of skills suitable for your line of work.


Thinking about the unknowns and uncertainties.


Wondering how you can even appeal to employers with almost no experience as you start out.


That’s all scary stuff.


But, it actually doesn’t need to be.


Your first step here is to identify the things you are already good...

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Career Change Roadmap

Figure Out Your Motivation, Skills, and Goals